Songs I'm Feeling Today...

Another great weekend bites the dust. The weather was perfect. I got to catch up with a great friend. I had great food. Went to great events. Life is truly wonderful and fantastic.

I heard this in somebody's back yard. This used to be the jam. I wonder what Trina and Tamar are doing now? There brother is Jesse Powell. He sang "You". That's a song that I still listen to every now and than. Hope you enjoy this video.

I heard this one riding in the car. Hi-Five used to be my group. All of their songs take me back to a much simpler time in my life. I hope you like it.

This is the jam of the spring/summer. At first, I didn't like it. Now, I turn it up every time I hear it on the radio. Besides my daughter is a huge fan.

I love India.Arie. I like anything that she records.

Make the most of your day,
Kenya Abney



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