My World Now

Posted by Unknown on 10:38 PM
Today I started my “Growing in Christ” Class. I think that it is going to be a real blessing for me. In case you didn’t know, I finally joined a church, Grace AME . It is a small church with really nice people. If you are ever in Baltimore, you should not hesitate to stop by.

I have always had a relationship with Christ. It has not always been what it should be but it has been great. So, I am looking forward to learning scriptures and exercising my spiritual muscles. They are not as strong as they should be. Speaking of exercising, I am still hanging tough with the Taebo DVD. Eight minutes in the morning. 45 minutes in the evening, three times a week at least. People have told me that I look like I am losing weight. I thought that people were just being nice until I saw a picture of myself from last year. I still have work to do but I am not where I used to be. I am determined to be Ms. Lovesexy by my Vegas trip.

Spring break is officially over. Destiny is returning tomorrow. She had a ball in the NYC. She went to Ellis Island, her favorite park in the world, Central Park and some place else I can’t remember. She met Marissa Jaret Winokur Destiny saw her shooting a scene in Central Park. Destiny was very excited to meet an actress that she has seen on tv before. I on the other hand had an opportunity to hang out with some good friends. Catch a very funny movie, Wedding Crashers. If you have not seen it, than you need to rent it. I saw it this week at a friend’s house. I bought a copy today, it is one of those movies that I know I am going to want to see again.

I got my performance review at work this week. I am pleased. I need to work on having a neater work area. I need to work on being neater all around so I can’t wrinkle my nose at that. There are a lot of positive things that I thought my boss didn’t notice because he didn’t say anything. But, he documented them on my review. Moral of that story: just because someone doesn’t say something doesn’t mean they haven’t noticed.

I am still hanging in there with Mary Kay. Please feel free to shop at my site: www.marykay.com/kabney4 I am having a debut, basically an open house to drum up business and sell the product that I have. I will let you know how that goes next week.

You know that I like to share resources. Check this site out: www.insiderentertainment.com

If you are looking for something to do, want to read a review, or promote your own event, that is the site for you.

Have a great weekend.

Affirmation of the Week
I am prosperity!
My supply is wherever I am.
It comes to me from every direction.
I accept this abundance bounty and opulence today.
I know that it is externalizing itself in my life and affairs.
Wherever I go, I shall meet prosperous people and prosperous conditions.
Whatever I think, I shall think with joy, optimism, happiness, and peace.
Whatever I do, I will do with wisdom, authority, power, and right action.
I separate my thought from any belief in want, in capacity, and in ability.
I disclaim the idea that I am broke, despondent, poor, crushed, defeated, or dependent.
All financial obligations, debts, and pressures are being liquidated.
All unhappy circumstances, conditions, and misunderstandings are being harmonized.
New opportunities and opening to me.
My whole mind, soul, and spirit accept these truths.
I am made rich!

Kenya Abney has been a featured writer on the web. She loves feedback and can be contacted at kenmoab1@verizon.net.



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