Find Your Life’s Purpose

Posted by Unknown on 8:37 AM
I want to share with you today a story that I got from Dennis Kimbro, the author of Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice. Dennis told a story about Malcolm X that he heard from Percy Sutton, the former Manhattan Borough president. As a young lawyer, Percy Sutton represented Malcolm X in a court case and had won against overwhelming odds. It was a very intense court battle between Malcolm and his adversaries. As they were leaving the courthouse, Malcolm’s supporters were one the side and his adversaries were on the other. Malcolm and Percy Sutton had to be protected by a number of bodyguards as they made their way to a long black limousine.

Percy Sutton was so scared he could hardly speak, while Malcolm was as cool as a cucumber Percy asked him, “Minister Malcolm, how can you be so cool in the face of all this danger, here where you can lose your life any minute?”

Malcolm calmly replied, “I hadn’t even noticed any danger. My mind is thinking about other things, things other than my morality. But the reason I am not worried is because of a story I heard which gave me a new perspective on life. Brother Percy, years ago I was told a story about an old worker named Omar who had a dream and had seen the face of death. He woke up and ran to his Master and asked could he have the fastest horse so he could escape death. The Master gave him the swiftest horse. Omar rode without stopping for three days. He did not stop for food or sleep or provisions. He rode as fast as he could. After three days the road branched into seven separate roads. He took the one to the far right but soon changed his mind. He took the one to the far left but changed again, and continued to vacillate from road to road until he had one left. He took that road and rode fast and strong. After he rode about 500 feet, the face of death appeared and said, ‘Omar, Omar, why have you kept me waiting for three days?’” Malcolm turned to Mr. Sutton and said, “The moral of this story is that you can run and you can hide, you can twist and you can turn, but no matter what you do, you can’t get out of this life alive.”

So while you’re here you’d better find your life’s purpose, live life to the fullest, pursue excellence, and live your dream because you can’t get out of this life alive!

By Willie Jolley, Host of the “Willie Jolley Motivational Minute” syndicated radio show!



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