Good Bye '06, Hello '07

Posted by Unknown on 12:54 PM
Hey! How are you doing?

I am a little under the weather but other than that I am fine. In ’06 I didn’t make any resolutions because my goals hadn’t changed from the year before. ’06 was over all a great year for me.

I pushed myself beyond my limits by participating in a dragon boat race. I don’t know if I ever mentioned it but I was always the next to last person picked in gym class.

I went to California and Viva Las Vegas for the first time. I plan to go back to both places. I had a great time!!

I have been cultivating a stronger relationship with God. I found a church home, Grace AME. I am active in my church.

My family is well. I started dating, sort of, after three years of harboring hurt feelings. I met a lot of interesting characters this past year. Some I will keep for years to come. Others I am going to leave in '06. I realized that I can make more out of my 24hours by working 2 jobs and maintaining my other obligations. I learned that it is “ok to try something and decide that it is not for you.” I am a retired Mary Kay lady. I am proud to say that I am still a work in progress. I love new beginnings. I look forward to all the blessings that are coming my way. I am also anticipating being a blessing to others.

Have a Happy New Year. I wish you peace, blessings and prosperity in every area of your life.

Quotes to end ’06 and start off ‘07

People should think things out fresh and not just accept conventional terms and the conventional way of doing things.
– R. Buckminster Fuller, 1895-1983, American Architect and Engineer

Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882, American Poet and Essayist

Every great mistake has a halfway moment, a split second when it can be recalled and perhaps remedied.
– Pearl S. Buck, 1892-1973, American Novelist and Pulitzer Prize Winner

Presence is more than just being there.
– Malcolm S. Forbes, 1917-1990, American Publisher

Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.
– George Halas, 1895-1983, Hall of Fame American Football Player/Coach/Owner

Best Thing I Read this Week
Awaken the Genie Within – By Linda Salazar

Ancient lore tells us that there's a magical Genie who lives in a lamp and that the person who possesses that lamp has the power to invoke wishes and desires beyond our wildest dreams. If I told you that Genie lives in you, would you believe me? Maybe not.

But if I told you that there was another character who lives in you and complains, whines, and was negative about your day-to-day life as well as your dreams, would you believe me then? I'll bet you would because we are all far too familiar with this character, whom I call the Gremlin.

The Gremlin is that part of you who keeps your fears, anxieties, and doubts alive and well. His entire purpose is to maintain control over you, keeping things status quo, even if you're not happy with the status quo. He believes his purpose is to keep you safe by not allowing you to take risks, to speak up for yourself, or to create changes in your life that you know in your heart need changing. And he definitely wants to make sure the Genie doesn't make an appearance because once the Genie shows up, the Gremlin knows he's no longer in charge.

For way too many years I lived with the Gremlin as the one in charge, until I learned how to quiet him enough to awaken my Genie within, making him my full-time partner and only allowing my Gremlin to visit occasionally. Now you may ask, "Why allow the Gremlin to visit even occasionally?" Because it's important to realize your Gremlin will always be there. You're human, and it's only natural to have both negative and positive thoughts show up throughout your life. But the trick is to be aware of your Gremlin when he's around so you can consciously quiet him enough to allow yourself to feel a little bit better about a situation. As you do this, you give the Genie within the chance to come to the surface and help you find better solutions, ask different questions, and attract into your life more of what you do want, instead of what you don't want, which, by the way, is what the Gremlin does--he attracts what you don't want.

To get you started in shifting from your Gremlin thinking to your Genie thinking, I'd like to share with you Five Tips to Quiet Your Gremlin and Five Questions to Awaken Your Genie.

Five Tips to Quiet Your Gremlin:

1. Let your Gremlin be when he starts up with you. Focus more on your body, and see where he's showing up in your body. Does your head hurt? Is your neck stiff? Is your stomach in a knot? Breathe into those areas until you feel some relief.

2. Give your Gremlin permission to rant and rave for a bit. Don't judge him; don't panic over what's being said or resist anything. Just let him be. Allow all the Gremlin's ranting to pour out. Sit back and enjoy it for a change. Put a smile on your face as you listen calmly. Separate yourself from that Gremlin who's doing all the whining and complaining.

3. Ask him questions. Get as intimate as you can with him. Find out what sets him off. Then give him answers as if you were talking to a four-year-old, trying to calm him of the dark before falling asleep.

4. Pick a name for your Gremlin and talk to him out loud. Using his name, tell him that everything is going to be fine and that he can take a rest for now. Keep talking to him until he's less noisy. Talking out loud will create a shift inside you that won't happen when you just think about the conversation. By the way, my Gremlin's name is Gertrude.

5. Be gentle with your Gremlin. Visualize your arm around him, soothing him, comforting him, allowing him to rest his head on your shoulder. Remember, he's scared--he doesn't want you to fall down, and he believes he's doing what's best for you.

Once your Gremlin is under your control, this is when you want to connect with the Genie within. Your Genie is that part of you that creates comments, ideas, and questions that allow you to feel like you're moving forward instead of being stuck. He'll have you feeling better about yourself overall.

Five Questions to Awaken Your Genie:
1. What's working in my life for me?
2. What's my intention in this moment?
3. What wants to be born from this?
4. What would be my best choice at this time?
5. What can I do for myself right now to feel a little bit better?

Learning to move from your Gremlin thinking into your Genie thinking takes time and patience. The Gremlin's been in charge a whole lot longer than the Genie, so be loving and gentle with yourself as you develop this skill. As you are, it'll occur to you one day that your Genie's been showing up more than your Gremlin!

About the Author
This article was written by Linda Salazar, contributing author to "101 GreatWays to Improve Your Life: Volume 2." Featured on radio, on TV, and in the LATimes, Linda is the founder of Awaken the Genie Within® Coaching. Clients ranging from CEOs to actors say that her unique coaching method harmonizes their work and souls. She received her coaching certification from Coach U and is a member of the International Coaching Federation. Visithttp://www.awakenthegeniewithin.com Her article above is one of 101 great chapters that can be found in "101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life: Volume 2." This powerful compilation book – with John Gray, Jack Canfield, Richard Carlson, Bob Proctor, Alan Cohen, and countless other experts -- contains 101 chapters of proven advice on how to improve your life.

Scripture of the Day
This is what the Lord says, ... "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."
Isaiah 43:16,18-19/NIV

Prayer of the Day
Lord of all eternity, please help me to learn from my mistakes this past year, but not to dwell on them. Please help me not rest on my accomplishments in this past year, but use them to further your work in me and through me. Please help me not quarrel with those who injured me yesterday, last month, or this past year. Instead, O Father, lead me in your paths and help me see your mighty works this next year. In Jesus' name and by his power I ask it. Amen.


Just Another Tuesday

Posted by Unknown on 10:03 PM
Today was like any other day. I got up. Went work. Now I'm home. Both of my sister's are visiting this weekend. I am looking forward to that. On Thursday, I'm going to lunch at the Capital Grille. I've only been once and the food was fabulous. If you plan on dining in the Inner Harbor please don't hesitate to make a reservation.

These are the most interesting stories that I have read all day. I hope that you enjoy them.

File this one under: Where can I get a translated copy?
INTERNATIONAL / EUROPE | October 17, 2006
Paris Journal: A Tell-All’s Tale: French Politicians Stray Early and Often
“Sexus Politicus,” a 390-page tell-all book on the subject, has catapulted to the top of the nonfiction best-seller lists in France.

File this one under: Are we creating a monster that is about to be out of control?
NATIONAL | October 17, 2006
Expunged Criminal Records Live to Tell Tales
Electronic record-keeping is making expungement of criminal records much harder to accomplish.

Have a good one


End of One, Beginning of the Other

Posted by Unknown on 10:51 PM
I got my paddle for participating in the dragon boat race. It brought back a lot of good memeories. I am looking forward to being in the next race. I think it is scheduled for May 2007 in Washington, DC.

I want to go to Barcelona next year to go Salsa dancing. I saw a vacation package on the internet for a company that sells dance vacation packages. I am a true salsa beginner. I love it though. You can dance for hours and not realize it. It is so much fun. I have never been out of the country before. Barcelona looks like a pretty city. Besides the dancing I want to go on a four hour city tour, Tapas tour and of course shopping. I have no idea how I am going to pay for this. Or, who is going to go with me? I am going to make it happen. I am going to get Spanish tapes from the library. I have been practicing a few phrases with my daughter. Now we are going to kick it up a notch.

I’m not moving to California. I guess I am going to reserve the West Coast for vacationing…for now. I don’t want to be that far from my family.

Last week was an up and down week for me. I keep coming across people in my age group that waited to have children. They didn’t get jobs. They started careers. They are married and just starting a family. They spent their youth working hard and playing hard. I sometimes feel like I am trying to play catch up with everyone around me. I need work in every area of my life. I’m getting my plan together.

My sister is coming to visit next weekend. I am so excited. We are going to church together. Afterwards, we’re going to a jazz brunch. I look forward to spending time with her. This is going to be my last week wearing a weave for a while. I’ve been weaving it up for almost two years. I’m not looking forward to doing my own hair but it is time. I am making changes in all areas of my life.

Have a fantabulous week!!


October is here

Posted by Unknown on 10:02 PM
Summertime is my favorite season. But October has a special place for me. I love the change in colors. Pretty yellow, green and brown leaves falling from the trees. Slow drives on tree lined streets admiring the scenery knowing that each day brings it own beauty until winter settles in. We start out in light jackets and end in coats. It is the month before it gets unbearably cold. It is our last chance to enjoy the outdoors before the ice and snow blankets our streets. I love October.

Here a few things that October is known for besides Halloween:

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month educates women about the importance of early detection. More and more women are getting mammograms to detect breast cancer in its earliest stages. As a result, breast cancer deaths are on the decline. Encourage the women in your life to get mammograms on a regular basis. For more information, go to http://www.nbcam.org/index.cfm

AUTOMOTIVE CAREER MONTH sponsored by National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA)
Students across the U.S. will learn about the wide variety of career opportunities available in automobile and truck dealerships. Young people participating in Automotive Career Month will receive a "behind-the-scenes" tour of a new car or truck dealership in their community to see first-hand how the business works in all areas of its operation. During the event, they will have an opportunity to interact directly with dealership employees and view a new video on auto careers. A partial list of participating dealerships and dates of their events is available on the "students" link at http://www.nada.org/careers

October 2-6, 10th Annual DRIVE SAFELY WORK WEEK Campaign – sponsored by Minnesota Network of Employers for Traffic Safety. The theme for this year's campaign is "Safe Driving is YOUR Responsibility. Make the Commitment." promotes ten positive steps for responsible driving:
1. Plan your route
2. Maintain your vehicle
3. Focus your attention
4. Minimize your distractions
5. Know your surroundings
6. Share your space
7. Watch your speed
8. Keep your distance
9. Signal your intentions
10. Always wear your seat belt
For more information go to http://www.trafficsafety.org/dsww.asp

Have a good one


Books for Young Adults

Posted by Unknown on 10:27 PM
I have lived to tell about another day. I’ve been reading, The Spirit of Writing: Classic and contemporary Essays Celebrating the Writing Life. It is a really good read. I’ve had it for awhile but this is the first time that I have read it. It is on time because I have been slacking on my writing since school started, it has given me a boost to read about other authors. I didn’t realize that so many authors have uncommon reasons to start writing but they have common reasons and feeling about continuing.

As much as I am a reader, my daughter is not. So, I am always on the look out for something that will spark her interests besides the Cheetah Girls, teeny bopper movies and television. KIMANI press is launching a new line of young adult books geared towards African American teens. The imprint is KIMANI TRU, starting January 30, 2007 they will release a new book each month from a young emerging authors. The books are going to be priced at $9.99 in trade paperback. If you are thinking of starting a mother/daughter book club, or you want spend some time with the young adults in your life this may be a good resource. Click on the links to get more information about the imprint and books.

If you like the books, Kimani TRU authors are available for book signings and promotional events -- for further information contact consulting publicist, Julia Shaw at 917-501-6780.

I got Real Simple in the mail yesterday. I'm getting comfy, cozy with that for a few days.

Have a good one!!

Quote of the day
I don't like work... but I like what is in work -- the chance to find yourself. Your own reality -- for yourself, not for others -- which no other man can ever know.
- -- Joseph Conrad


10 Clear Signs That You Are Not In Charge of Your Life

Posted by Unknown on 9:12 PM
By Caroline Jalango

You are not in charge when:

1. You need other people’s permission and affirmation before you can take action.

“Wow! That’s a wonderful idea you have. Why don’t you go ahead and do something about it?” These are the kind of words you desperately need to hear before you can take any form of action. You are constantly seeking other people’s approval.

You second guess yourself and need others to give positive feedback, give their stamp of approval and hopefully walk you through the next steps to take before you can act on anything. Trust and believe in yourself! Get going on the things that are important to you. What will happen to your dreams and goals if you fail to obtain the approval you so much need? Nothing!

2. You don’t speak up for yourself.

You allow others to get away with the hurtful things they say or do. As a result you get stressed out, lose your power, happiness and overall sense of well-being. Start speaking up for yourself and take control of your life. If you want to maintain healthy relationships and have a healthy self-esteem, begin to develop your “assertiveness muscle.” Be courageous, learn how to handle conflict, face confrontation and regain your respect.

3. You can’t take a stand on anything.

You flow with the current. You never seem to have a mind of your own. When someone says that something is good, you agree. When someone else says that something is bad, you agree. You are so used to going along to get along that you fall for anything. What do you really believe in? What are your convictions? What do you want to achieve? Who are you? What is your stand on these issues? Identify what you stand for, learn how to communicate what you stand for and then stand up for something!

4. You play small, yet you know you can play a bigger game.

You know that there is more to you than meets the eye. You have so much potential and know that you could be maximizing you talents, skills and abilities. However, day after day, month after month, year after year, you still keep settling for less than you deserve. You still keep taking on positions that you are overqualified for, working at jobs which pay you less than you deserve, wasting you talents, talking about achieving your goals and yet doing nothing to turn the situation around. What are you finally going to do today to raise your game and get what you deserve?

5. You don’t have a plan for your life.

The saying goes, “If you don't have a plan for yourself, you'll be a part of someone else's.” The question is...do you have a plan for your life? If you don’t...whose plan are you on? Do you know what you want to do with your life? What is your life’s plan? Why is it important to you? When do you want to achieve the various aspects of your plan? What are you going to do to fulfill your plan? By when are you going to take this action? How committed are you? Begin to live life according to your plan.

6. No one listens to you or takes you seriously.

You feel “invisible” when in the presence of others. You have valuable, interesting and useful information to share...yet, you feel that you have no voice. For some reason people just don’t seem to want to listen to you. Know that your opinion counts. Learn how to create a good impression, command attention, use powerful words to communicate your viewpoint, spice up your conversation and be heard. Don’t allow your voice to be silenced. You too, have an important contribution to make to the world.

7. You don’t value yourself.

You don’t like yourself, criticize yourself, look down on yourself and judge yourself harshly. Do you value who you are and what you represent? Learn to love yourself. Don’t allow society and other people’s opinions to define who you are and dictate the course of your life. If you are not happy with the way your life has turned out, start taking corrective measures. Improve your skills, become a part of groups or clubs that help you deal with the issues you are facing, have great expectations for yourself and be open to more possibilities and opportunities. You are special and unique and there is a lot going on for you. You better believe it.

8. You are afraid to act on your dreams and goals.

You have dreams and goals but they are in the back burner. You are afraid of taking responsibility and control of your destiny. You keep allowing obstacles, your insecurities and a “victim mentality” to rob you of the pleasure of achieving your goals. No one will come and wave a magic wand to turn your dreams into reality. Believe in yourself, develop a positive “I can do it” attitude, become unstoppable, overcome your obstacles and insecurities and turn your dreams into reality. There are so many inspiring stories of people who overcame obstacles and achieved great things. You too can become that story!

9. You don’t know who you are and what you want.

“Who am I?” “What do I really want to do with my life?” “What fulfills me?” “What is my role and purpose on earth?” Can you honestly answer these questions? It is important to clarify and identify your values and your life purpose because they allow you to get a sense of direction and be in sync with yourself. This knowledge allows you to focus on a deeper level on what you really want in life and on what’s most important to you.

10. You don’t have the passion, willpower, commitment, persistence and guts to turn your life around.

These are some of the basic qualities that make you unstoppable and ensure your success. They allow you to take charge, stop being a spectator, get into the arena and play the game of success. Do you have these qualities?

When you are not in charge, your life is dictated by other people, your insecurities, the lack of knowledge about your personal responsibility, qualities and power to succeed.

Are you in charge of your life? If not, who is?

About the Author:
Caroline is a life coach for women who are ready to take step toward living an exceptional life. She helps women strike the match that sets them ablaze to discover who they are, explore and expand on what they can do and take action to achieve their goals. Are you settling for less than you deserve because you are stuck, or are you stuck because you are settling for less than you deserve? Send your responses to Caroline@motivationzone.com or visit http://www.motivationzone.com


It's Almost Time for the Big Race....

Posted by Unknown on 10:03 PM
Hello Ladies and Gentleman,

The big race is this Saturday. Can you believe it?!?!? That was a quick 8 weeks. I think that we are going to place well. Our team has worked hard and we made a lot of progress in a short period of time. 90% of the team members are first time rowers. We all work well together because of our great attitudes. Besides, we all want to win. I am going to miss the time I spent with everyone.

This has been a great experience for me. I was never the last kid picked in gym. But, I was the next to last. I have never considered myself athletic or competitive but I'm really into this. I'm seriously considering joining a running group. I'm going to check with my doctor first cause I'm not in the best shape. I will let you know how the day unfolds on Sunday. In case you are curious about the dragon boat races in Baltimore, here are few links you can check out:

This is about the race:

Catholic Charities Blog:

This is the charity that I am rowing for:

Have a great weekend,



Posted by Unknown on 8:32 PM
1. Never apologize for pursuing what makes you happy. Even if you need to quit your job, transfer schools, or move across country, always do what you really want.

2. Never apologize for using proper English. Keeping it real doesn't mean speaking Ebonics.

3. Never apologize for giving your best in a relationship that just didn't work out.

4. Never apologize for being successful. Only haters want to keep you at their level.

5. Never apologize for crying. Wear waterproof mascara and express yourself.

6. Never apologize for ten pounds you need to lose. People who truly care about you will accept you as you are.

7. Never apologize for being frugal. Just because you save your money instead of blowing it on the latest fashion emergency doesn't mean you're cheap.

8. Don't apologize for being a single Mom. Babies are a blessing.

9. Never apologize for treating yourself to something special. Sometimes you have to show yourself some appreciation.

10. Never apologize for leaving an abusive relationship. Your safety should always be a priority.

11. Never apologize for keeping the ring even if you did not get married.

12. Never apologize for setting high standards in a relationship. You know what you can tolerate and what simply gets on your nerves.

13. Never apologize for saying NO.

14. Never apologize for asking for what you want in bed. If you don't, then who will?

15. Never apologize for wearing a weave or braids. You bought it so it's yours.

16. Never apologize to your new friends about old friends. There's a reason she's been your girl from day one.

17. Never apologize for ordering dessert or more than one dessert.

18. Never apologize for dating outside your race. Just because you found Mr. Right across the color line doesn't mean you don't love your brothas.

19. Never apologize for demanding respect. You are to always be treated as a queen.

20. Never apologize for not knowing how to cook. Even if you can't burn like Grandma you know how to order good take out. (Right Girl!)

21. Never apologize for your taste in clothes. It's your style.

22. Never apologize for changing your mind, it is your prerogative.

23. Never apologize for making a decision from your heart, even if others don't agree. You have to live with the consequences not them.

24. Never apologize for making more money than your man, you work hard and you deserve to get paid.

25. Never apologize for being you!

Keep your head up and keep moving forward. Always remember that God loves you and he’s always got your back.

Share this with all the important women in your life


Dragon Boating

Posted by Unknown on 10:05 PM
Add “Dragon Boating” to my list of activities that are taking me out of my comfort zone. I signed up to be in a race. Race day is Saturday, September 9th. I have committed to rowing in a boat every Wednesday from 5:15 -7. After work! Can you believe it!

The first practice was not easy. But, it was better than what I expected. I look forward to going back next week. I slept like a baby last night. Between ballet and Dragon boating I should be in decent shape. Right now my back is aching. But, I am proud of myself.

Last year, I got into a bathing suit for the first time since the 80’s. It wasn’t a vanity thing. It was a scared of water thing. I wouldn’t even get in a pool. So, not only will I get good cardiovascular exercise and face my fear of water, I will also have the genuine feeling of being proud of myself. On race day I am getting a paddle to prove that I did it.

I challenge you to step out of your box. Do one thing you always wanted to do? Or, better yet do something that you never thought that you would do.


Did you know....

Posted by Unknown on 8:30 PM
I learned something new today. July is not only one of the hottest months of the year; it is also the UV Safety Month. Courtesy of the American Academy of Ophthalmology here are a few steps to protect your eyes from the sun:

• Select sunglasses that block ultraviolet rays. Don't be deceived by color or cost. The ability to block UV light is not dependent on the darkness of the lens or the price tag.

• Make sure your sunglasses block 99 percent or 100 percent of UV rays and UV-B rays.

• Ideally, your sunglasses should wrap all the way around to your temples, so the sun's rays can't enter from the side.

• In addition to your sunglasses, wear a broad-rimmed hat to protect your eyes. Don't be fooled by a cloudy day. The sun's rays can pass through the haze and thin clouds.

• Even if you wear contacts with UV protection, remember your sunglasses.

• Sunglasses should be worn whenever outside and it's especially important to wear sunglasses in the early afternoon and in higher altitudes, where UV light is more intense.

For more information about eye health care, visit the http://www.medem.com or http://www.aao.org

I don’t know if I ever shared this but I am a tea person. Can’t stand coffee unless it is cake. But, I love tea. Hot, cold, in a bag or loose, it doesn’t matter. So, whether you are hosting or a just guest, here are some iced tea recipes from Lipton that are sure to be a hit at the weekend cookout.

COLD BREW MINT-TEA JULEPS - 4 (8-oz.) servings
Prep Time: 5 Minutes

3 cups cool water
2 Lipton(R) Cold Brew Family Size Tea Bags or 6 Cold Brew Glass Size Tea
1 cup orange juice
24 fresh mint leaves
1/2 cup sugar
Pour water over Lipton(R) Cold Brew Family Size Tea Bags and brew 3 minutes, dunking tea bags occasionally. Remove Tea Bags. In blender, process all ingredients at high speed until blended. Strain over ice and garnish, if desired, with additional mint leaves.


2 cups boiling water
1 Lipton(R) Family Size Tea Bag or 3 Lipton(R) Cup Size Tea Bags
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup orange juice
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 cup seltzer or club soda
Orange slices

Pour boiling water over tea bags; cover and brew 5 minutes. Remove tea bags; stir in sugar and cool.
In pitcher, combine tea, juices and seltzer. Pour into ice-filled glasses and garnish with orange slices.


Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Chill Time: 15 Minutes

1 cup boiling water
3 Lipton(R) Cup Size Tea Bags or 1 Lipton(R) Family Size Tea Bag
2 cups cut-up fresh pineapple
1/2 cup raspberries
1 cup Breyers(R) frozen vanilla yogurt or low fat ice cream
2 Tbsp. sugar
1 cup ice cubes (about 6 to 8)
Pour boiling water over tea bags; cover and brew 5 minutes. Remove tea bags; cool slightly. In blender, combine tea, pineapple, raspberries, yogurt and sugar. Add ice cubes, one at a time, and process until blended.
Serve immediately.
Sugar substitute may be used in place of sugar.


Prep Time: 10 Minutes

1-1/2 quarts boiling water
3 Lipton(R) Iced Tea Brew Naturally Decaffeinated Family Size Tea Bags
1/2 cup sugar
1 can (6 oz.) lemonade concentrate
1 package (10 oz.) frozen strawberries

Pour water over Lipton(R) Iced Tea Brew Family Size Tea Bags; brew 4 minutes. Remove Tea Bags; stir in sugar and lemonade. Stir strawberries and pour over ice.

Enjoy your Holiday,


You Have Wings, Why Won’t You Fly

Posted by Unknown on 10:43 PM
5 Ways to Face Fear and Doubt

The only thing worse than doing something new, is trying something new for the first time. And, the only thing scarier than that is taking your first step towards your dream. It could be a dream that you have held dear to your heart for years, or only five minutes, it doesn’t matter. At this point in my life I believe that if it is on your heart and stays on your mind than it is for you. You already have the wings to soar (succeed) you just need the courage to make them flutter. Once you get the courage you will be flying in no time.

1. Sincerely pray for confirmation and guidance. If your prayer is sincere than your path will become clear, there is nothing that can subside fear like the feeling that God is on your side. Being on purpose is one of the greatest feelings ever. I didn’t say that everything will become easy. Nothing ever is. With assurance you will have the courage to forge through any and all circumstances.

2. Write down exactly what you are scared of. Than read it. Have you ever had a thought that stopped all of your progress? Just as you start to become comfortable with the thought and lack of progress that comes with it, someone shares that doubt out loud about themselves. Than you realize how ridiculous it sounds. Don’t get me wrong, all of the things we fear are real. But, most of them loose power when they get exposure outside of our mind. And about another 90% are dismissed when you examine them.

3. Ask yourself questions. Be honest with your answers. Ask yourself: How will my life improve? How will I feel when I accomplish this goal? Am I now the person that I was meant to be? What is my heart yearning for? What is the worst thing that can happen? Can I live with that? If my life keeps going in the direction that it is now, can I live with that? What are my would have, could have, should have’s? Why aren’t I doing them? Remember, it is never too late to become the person you always wanted to be.

4. Seek guidance. Whatever you want to do, there is someone in this world that has done it before. Everyone’s experience is different. The road you travel doesn’t have to be as rough as someone else’s. Sometimes, meeting someone that has accomplished your goal is inspiration enough to take your life to the next level. For others, getting advice from someone that has done it before can set them on a good path. Find that person, they may be glad to hear from you.

5. Devise a plan. You know what you think you are a capable of. Now is the time to even surprise yourself with your abilities. Set a high goal with a realistic deadline. Give yourself weekly assignments. At the end of four weeks, check your progress. Reward yourself for what you have accomplished. Reexamine your goals. Sometimes, we start on a dirt road, only to discover that it leads to highway of opportunities. With that said, you never where life will lead you.

Once those wings start fluttering you will be surprised at how you start to view yourself. The higher you soar, with each goal accomplished, more and more will be in your reach. Will you have fear and doubts? Sure. Those are human emotions that we all feel but they will be that much easier to push aside.

Have a good one,

Quotes of the Day

"There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is on a queer, divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others."
~ Martha Graham

"If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember this whole thing was started by a mouse."
~ Walt Disney

"Do not wait; the time will never be "just right." Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along."
~ Napoleon Hill

K.M. Abney has been a featured writer on the web. She loves feedback and can be contacted at kenyascorner@hotmail.com.


Viva Las Vegas

Posted by Unknown on 9:30 PM
Long time no hear. A lot has been going on, and not much at the same time. For the second time in my adult life I went on vacation. Last weekend, I went to Viva Las Vegas. I had a blast. I recommend a vacation for everyone. If you go, I recommend bringing along comfortable walking shoes. I am not a gambler so I was more interested in seeing the sights.

I stayed at Bally’s which turned out to be the perfect location for a first timer. We were pretty much in the center of the strip. We went to all the casinos on the strip, old Vegas. Yes, I did see the Marlboro Man, his girl Wendy and the Golden Nugget. Did you know that the strip is being expanded? And, they are planning to build another airport. It is hot as hell, but an interesting place to go.

Other than walking, I went to the following places:

House of Blues – (Gospel Brunch - I recommend it for everyone. The food is excellent. The entertainment was excellent.

Commander’s Palace – the service is excellent. The food is excellent. The drinks are excellent. Please make reservations if you are going to Vegas. We had such a great time with the staff that we went there for drinks two nights in a row.

Mamma Mia - I wanted to see this show because I like ABBA. I expected it to be an okay. It exceeded my expectations. I had a really good time. It was really entertaining and lots of fun.

The shopping was fantastic everywhere. The strip has a Fashion Show Mall that has everything that you can think of. I also went to the Vegas outlet which is on the opposite end of the strip. There were a lot of great deals to be had there also.

Words to the wise, if someone tries to rope you into going to a timeshare presentation, don’t do it. It isn’t two hours. It is more like five. And, no doesn’t mean no. No, means another opportunity to present another deal.

You know me; I like to pass on good information. I was able to go to Vegas because I got a package deal that I paid for in March. My airfare and hotel was under $500. I don’t know if you are interested in a vacation or not but this something that I heard about that you might be interested in:


1. An air credit of $200 per person - value $400 per couple
2. First night free at participating hotels - minimum value of $80 per couple
3. Free full breakfast daily - value of $280 per couple
4. $25.00 meal voucher per couple at the authentic Oistins Fish Fry or Moontown Fish Fry (Transfers not included)
5. Buy one get second at half price at participating Attractions
6. Minimum 7 night stay required
7. Effective dates: June 15 to December 2
8. Black out dates July 15 to August 12.

Total value - a minimum of $800 per couple

All prices are in US dollars.
"The Best of Barbados" is based on a maximum of 2 persons per room and is subject to change without notice.

With over 30 hotels participating across the island, "The Best of Barbados" program offers a wide range of accommodations to suit any traveler's budget and special interests.

For further information on "The Best of Barbados" program, travelers may call the Barbados Tourism Authority at 1 (800) 221-9831, or visit Barbados online at http://www.visitbarbados.org. For reservations, consumers should contact their favorite travel agent.
* "The Best of Barbados" offer available at time of release from http://www.travelzoo.com
For a list of participating hotels, restaurants and attractions, please visit http://www.visitbarbados.org.
** NOTE TO EDITORS: "The Best of Barbados" program is available for travel from the U.S. only, not from Canada. Passports are required for travel to Barbados.

Lastly, here are a few tips for boosting your confidence by Barbara De Angelis:

"There's a saying -- 'we either make ourselves miserable or make ourselves strong, but the amount of work is the same,'" says Barbara. "Learning how to use our personal power to boost our confidence rather then undermine it is one of the most important keys to happiness."

Barbara shares these tips for building confidence:

* Evaluate Your Day and Yourself From the Inside Out -- When you base your sense of accomplishment each day on the outer events of your life, which aren't always in your control, your self-esteem will go up and down. Stay grounded and define your success by how much wisdom, courage and clarity you've accumulated on the inside, not the outside.

* Small Improvements Can Make a Big Difference -- Little changes in how you present yourself to others can give you more confidence both professionally and socially. You can do simple things that will instantly boost your sense of self-esteem like whiten your smile with a tooth whitener like Crest Whitestrips.

* Focus on What You Have Accomplished and Not What You Haven't – There will always be tasks you don't complete or goals you haven't yet achieved. Focusing only on what we haven't done sabotages our sense of confidence. At the end of each day, celebrate your "wins" and identify three things you have achieved, whether it was choosing to eat healthy foods, making an important phone call, or comforting a friend in need.

* Dress To Reflect Your Most Confident Self -- When we are feeling insecure, nothing makes us feel worse than putting on the outfit that doesn't fit right, or the clothes that do nothing for us. Don't save your favorite attire for special occasions -- wear what you feel best in when you need a boost, even if you're just staying home!

* Conquer Fear By Taking Just One Step -- Don't get overwhelmed when goals seem out of reach. Take one step at a time and things will seem much more achievable.

By incorporating these simple tips into your daily life, you can become one step closer to emotional empowerment and to a happier, more confident you. Barbara's latest book, How Did I Get Here? in which she discusses how to build confidence by mastering change and challenge in our lives.

Have a good one


10 Life and Leadership Lessons I Learned from Superman (and How They Changed My Life Forever)

Posted by Unknown on 10:09 PM
I read this today, I had to share it. I am a work in progress, as are most people, I hope this aids in taking your life to the next level.


10 Life and Leadership Lessons I Learned from Superman (and How They Changed My Life Forever)

– By Eric Taylor

For many, the actor who epitomized the character “Superman” is Christopher Reeve, and as millions know, at the height of his career he suffered a tragic accident that left him totally paralyzed, unable to care for himself or, initially, even to breathe unassisted.

With the support of his wife, Dana, Chris persevered and battled back, becoming a vigorous advocate and the public face for research that develops treatments and cures for paralysis caused by spinal cord injury and other central nervous system disorders. The foundation that now bears his name has awarded over $55 million in research grants to the world’s best neuroscientists and Quality of Life grants worth over $7 million to nonprofit organizations that help improve the daily lives of people living with paralysis, particularly spinal cord injuries.

Christopher Reeve redefined courage and hope. His strength, determination, and compassion inspired the world, but what I think is the superhuman part of the story has not been fully told. There’s more to this story for me and greater lessons for us all--in fact, 10 of them.

It was my distinct privilege to produce Chris’s last public appearance in New Jersey, where he filled a baseball stadium. I’ll never forget it—or him. He died 10 days later. He is my hero.

Chris Reeve taught me 10 lessons on that day. I know that they apply to you, and when you decide to take them to heart and act on them, they will change your life, too.

1. Empower yourself first! The only way to truly connect with another human is to connect with yourself first. Compassion, rapport, and caring all come from allowing, understanding, and knowing yourself first.

Action Idea: Take time out of each day (even if by self-appointment) to reflect on the day, week, month, or year, evaluate the words you chose to speak and the actions you chose to take, and ask yourself the critical question, “Am I being congruent with what I truly believe and value?”

2. Refuse absolutes. There are no absolutes! Anyone who says “that will never happen” doesn’t understand faith, persistence, and belief. The world was once thought to be flat; Christopher Columbus debunked that myth and created a paradigm shift for mankind. Christopher Reeve should not have survived as long as he did and accomplished as much as he did after his accident.

Action Idea: Have you embraced false absolutes with “security thinking,” believing that absolutes actually exist? Remove all self-imposed limitations and boundaries that you or someone else have placed in your mind.

3. Become a respected and feared competitor. Both are equally important. Have the respect of your peers, but be sure that they are aware that you are playing to win every time!

Action Idea: Get close to your competitors, and let them get close to you—but only in physical proximity! Treat them with kindness and respect, but keep your eye on the prize.

4. Get moving as soon as possible. There is never time to get ready. When you set a goal, make a decision, or experience adversity, get moving on it immediately! Christopher’s tragedy was something for which he could not have prepared. Chris knew that if he didn’t take action immediately to find a cure and to move toward walking again, he might begin to think that death was a better alternative.

Action Idea: Decide! Once you make up your mind to achieve a desired outcome or goal, never let anything or anyone stop you.

5. You have more talent and gifts than you realize. You possess all of the resources to lead an extraordinary life. Accept the gifts, and use them to serve.
Action Idea: Ask “what if” questions. “What if I could discover the cure for AIDS?” “What if I could run a three-minute mile?” “What if I give love first without expecting anything in return?”

6. Give yourself a chance--you are worthy. Let the people who love you, love you. Share your dreams and desires with those who can, will, and want to help you. Don’t beat yourself up when you fail or create an undesirable outcome.

Action Idea: Everything is an experience, not a test. The events that take place in our lives are not a thermometer to gauge our self-worth. The most important opinion you must possess in your life is the opinion you have of you!

7. Nothing is impossible--use your personal power, and have faith that you can overcome and achieve anything you set your mind to. The phrase “nothing is impossible” is a mind-set each of us should embrace.

Action Idea: Faith equals persistence. If you believe you can, you can.
Walt Disney said, “You will see it when you believe it.”

8. Ignore your own feelings of inadequacy. There is always someone doing better than you are. What’s more important is what you are doing and what your goals are. The grass always looks greener on the other side, and it is almost always a false assumption. If you honor self-promises and stick to your dreams and goals, your time will come. Beware of negative self-talk and negative thinking. The real truth is that the glass is always half full, and it is always partly sunny. These small distinctions can pay huge dividends in your life.

Action Idea: Protect your mind and your body and what you allow to enter it; they are your most prized possessions.

9. Negativity will kill empowerment. Avoid negativity at all costs: negative people, negative news, negative thoughts, and all the things and people in your life that are dream-stealers. You are a leader. Become a leader in your life first.

Action Idea: Just as empowerment begins with you, positivism in your world begins with you as well. Negativity drains energy, diminishes hope, blocks creativity, and steals faith and one’s ability to persist. Surround yourself with everything and everyone that makes you feel good. Life is too short not to be happy.

10. Giving up is not an option. After Dana told Chris, “I still love you, you are still you,” his giving up was not an option. He knew that he had only one choice and one life to leave his legacy. Quitting does last forever--quitters never win, and winners never quit. You are not automatically entitled to everything in this life, but you are entitled to become your personal best. What will your legacy be? What will you create? What is your purpose for being here?

Action Idea: If you have yet to discover your calling, get excited! It is about to be discovered. If you know your calling, go there with passion and serve!

Those, in a nutshell, are the 10 life and leadership lessons I learned from Superman--my real-life hero, Christopher Reeve. I strive to live them every day.

There’s one more quote from Chris that takes a bit of thinking to understand, but I’d like you to consider it.

“If there is no great glorious end to all this, if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.”

Now, go forward!

About the Author:
This article was written by Eric Taylor, contributing author to "101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life." Eric, known as "Mr. Energy," is frequently called upon by some of the most respected companies in the country for motivational speaking, training, and consulting.

Quote of the Day
"Just as a small fire is extinguished by the storm whereas a large fire is enhanced by it - likewise a weak faith is weakened by predicament and catastrophes whereas a strong faith is strengthened by them."
Viktor E. Frankl
1905-1997, Holocaust Survivor and Author of "Man's Search for Meaning"

Prayer of the Week
Dear heavenly Father, You created me, and you are well aware of the pressures and emotional turmoil that surround me everyday. God, thank you that before my circumstances were ever set in motion, you created a plan for my victory over them. Thank you for your wonderful word which promises special protection and deliverance when I am tempted to feel overwhelmed by stressful circumstances. Thank you for making it possible for me to walk in your divine health for my total being, body, mind, and spirit free from the physical and emotional ravages of stress. In Jesus’ name Amen.


Hey! How are you doing?

Posted by Unknown on 10:51 PM
Hello, I am still alive and kicking. I had a Mary Kay party yesterday that went well. Thank you, Tanaya. I am preparing for Destiny's graduation day. Soon it will be summer time. I am looking forward to having time for me. Enjoy your week!! I'll type later.

Quote of the week

As you move through this day, make it a point to replace troubled thoughts with thoughts of peace. Replace thoughts of weakness with thoughts of strength.

Replace thoughts of limitation with thoughts of possibility. Replace thoughts of anger with thoughts of compassion.

Let go of any thoughts of frustration and helplessness. In their place, put thoughts of creativity and empowerment.

Gather your various and scattered thoughts together, and point them all in a positive, productive direction. You'll be amazed at the power that's yours when each thought is working to enhance the others.

Your thoughts determine what you decide to do with all that you have. And you determine what your thoughts will be.

So put them to work in a positive way, moment by moment, day by day. Make them all thoughts that serve you well.

-- Ralph Marston

Prayer of the Week

Dear heavenly Father, You created me, and you are well aware of the pressures and emotional turmoil that surround me everyday. God, thank you that before my circumstances were ever set in motion, you created a plan for my victory over them. Thank you for your wonderful word which promises special protection and deliverance when I am tempted to feel overwhelmed by stressful circumstances. Thank you for making it possible for me to walk in your divine health for my total being, body, mind, and spirit free from the physical and emotional ravages of stress. In Jesus’ name Amen.


Celebrate National Women's Health Week

Posted by Unknown on 7:26 PM
Did you know that this is National Women’s Health Week? Yeah, me either. I didn’t even know that we had a week. Well here are some tips that you can incorporate into your life from the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT) and National Women’s Health Resource Center (NWHRC).

Mental health is as important as physical health. Apply the following tips to manage life's challenges:

~ Treat your body right by staying physically active and maintaining a healthy diet.
~ Don't expect to accomplish more than one task at a time -- create a "to do" list tackling those of highest priority first.
~ Set realistic goals by doing what is possible.
~ Cultivate a positive work environment to help alleviate stress.
~ Take time for yourself by relaxing for at least 15 minutes a day.
~ Talk about any negative feelings with a loved one or a friend.
~ Volunteer or get involved in an activity that is meaningful to you.
~ Participate in activities you enjoy and look forward to.

If you have adopted these tips and still feel overwhelmed, it may be necessary to seek professional help. A mental health professional, such as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist is trained to assess, diagnose and treat individuals with common mental health conditions, such as stress, anxiety, depression or an addiction. Therapy can help mitigate common sources of stress, including care giving for a loved one or an aging parent, financial worries, family problems, and heavy workloads.

NWHRC encourages women to implement the following activities into their daily routines:

Walk this way. Take an after dinner walk around the neighborhood. A brisk walk can help in achieving the recommended 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most days.

Keep the water flowing. Your body needs plenty of fluids to maintain good health -- for most women that's 2.7 liters (about 11 cups) of water from beverages and foods daily.

Check in for a checkup. Has it been more than a year since your last checkup? Call your health care professional this week and make an appointment for your annual health exam.

Pop on a pedometer. Pedometers count the number of steps you take in a day -- the more, the better.

Lather up with sun screen. Everyone needs to use sun block, regardless of race or skin tone. Wear broad-spectrum sun block (SPF 30 is a good choice), applied liberally to exposed skin up to a half-hour before going outdoors.

Think colorfully when you eat. Think about this easy rule when you're grocery shopping this week or dining out. Foods with bright colors -- red peppers, oranges, green broccoli, blueberries -- are healthier for you than white bread, mashed potatoes or pasta with cream sauce.

Substitute sugar and salt. Sugar tastes good to most of us, so it's easy to consume too much. That can add pounds and limit the intake of healthier foods. Salt not only tastes good, but also enhances other food flavors. Lowering salt in your diet can reduce high blood pressure and lessen overeating.

Last call for alcohol. Say no to that second glass of wine. Limiting your alcohol intake can have substantial health benefits.

Stretch out stress. If you're working this week, take a couple of minutes to get your blood flowing by stretching your back, neck and chest muscles. This will rejuvenate you during the work day and send you home ready for an active evening.

Get a multivitamin boost. Are you getting the vitamins and minerals you need to protect your health? Probably not. Indeed, research shows that most of us don't get all the vitamins we need through diet alone. Taking a daily multivitamin helps close that gap.

To subscribe to the HealthyWomen Take 10 e-newsletter and learn more about healthy lifestyle tips or the HealthyWomen Take 10 programs, please log on to http://www.healthywomen.org.

Have a great week!!!

Quotes of the Day
Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.
– Albert Camus, 1913-1960, French Author/Philosopher/Nobel Prize Wïnner

Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision.
~ Muhammad Ali

Affirmation of the Week
I open to the gifts of the Universe.
I allow abundance to flow through me.
I accept support when I need it.
Dear God, please let me know what to do in a way that I can understand.
I accept peace and joy in all aspects of my life.


Reality Check – Questions to screw your head on straight

Posted by Unknown on 7:58 AM
I was going through old papers and came across the following. This is right up my alley because I sometimes over think things. I love to ask questions and figure out why people do the things that they do. If you are like me, in that way, this post is for you. Enjoy!

Reality Check – Questions to screw your head on straight
by Robert F. Sarmiento

Whenever you make yourself feel upset
(e.g. anxious, stressed, worried, depressed, angry, frustrated, embarrassed, insecure, jealous, etc.),

Or you behave in undesirable ways
(e.g. procrastinate, overeat, get high, lie, act impulsively, isolate, perfectionism, etc.),

Or you have physical symptoms of stress or depression
(e.g. headache, stomach ache, diarrhea, tension, hives, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, sleep problems, etc.):

What am I doing to create this situation?
Are my emotions helping me or hurting me?
What am I telling myself?
What are the facts?
Am I exaggerating or distorting?
Are there other explanations?
How likely are my worries?
Whose problem is this anyway?
What is the worst thing that can happen?
Am I awfulizing?
Am I taking this too seriously? Too personally?
Am I downing myself or others?
Am I unrealistically demanding success? Approval? Control? Perfection? Certainty? Comfort? Fairness? My way?
Do I need this or only want it?
Can I stand it?
Am I babying myself?
How can I think more realistically?
Am I stewing rather than doing?
What are my options?
What, if anything, can I do?

Reality Check for Worriers:
Am I playing “what if”?
How probable are my worries?
Am I worrying enough?
Will worrying do any good?
Do I equate worry with caring?
What, if anything, can I do?

Reality Check for Procrastinators:
What emotions do I have about what I am putting off?
What are the advantages of doing it now?
What are the disadvantages of procrastinating?
Am I making excuses?
Am I putting myself down for procrastinating?
Will it kill me to do it for five minutes?
Can I break this task down?
What consequences can I give myself?
Am I doing the worst first?
Am I babying myself?

Reality Check for Parents:
Am I overlooking good behavior?
Are my expectations realistic?
Am I demanding compliance or teaching responsibility?
Is this a battle of wills?
Am I disciplining out of anger or frustration?
Is my child capable of doing this by himself or herself?
Am I separating the doer from the deed?
What are the natural or logical consequences of this misbehavior?
Am I providing appropriate, rewarded alternatives?

Reality Check for Lovers:
Am I buying in to romantic fantasies?
Do I expect love to make me happy?
Am I bassing my self-worth on being loved?
Do I need or only want love?
Are we pushing each other’s buttons?
Am I listening actively?
Am I communicating in my partner’s preferred style?
Are we taking each other for granted?
Am I ignoring what I want?
Are we playing the “who’s right and who’s wrong” game?
As I being aggressive or assertive?
How can we negotiate a “win/win” solution?
What kind of relationship can we create?

Adapted from: Reality Check: Twenty Questions to Screw Your Head on Straight by Dr/ Robert F. Sarmiento, Ph.D. You can visit his website at http://www.cyberpsych.com

Quotes of the Day
Happy the man/woman who early learns the wide chasm that lies between his wishes and his powers.
~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

A habit cannot be tossed out the window; it must be coaxed down the stairs a step at a time.
– Mark Twain, 1835-1910, American Writer and Humorist

Affirmation of the Week
There is limitless supply and it is mine
I am financially secure
I am surrounded by loving, giving people
I am healthy and wealthy
I allow myself to prosper
I create abundance
I have more than I need in every area of my life

Kenya Abney has been a featured writer on the web. She loves feedback and can be contacted at kenmoab1@verizon.net.


My World Now

Posted by Unknown on 10:38 PM
Today I started my “Growing in Christ” Class. I think that it is going to be a real blessing for me. In case you didn’t know, I finally joined a church, Grace AME . It is a small church with really nice people. If you are ever in Baltimore, you should not hesitate to stop by.

I have always had a relationship with Christ. It has not always been what it should be but it has been great. So, I am looking forward to learning scriptures and exercising my spiritual muscles. They are not as strong as they should be. Speaking of exercising, I am still hanging tough with the Taebo DVD. Eight minutes in the morning. 45 minutes in the evening, three times a week at least. People have told me that I look like I am losing weight. I thought that people were just being nice until I saw a picture of myself from last year. I still have work to do but I am not where I used to be. I am determined to be Ms. Lovesexy by my Vegas trip.

Spring break is officially over. Destiny is returning tomorrow. She had a ball in the NYC. She went to Ellis Island, her favorite park in the world, Central Park and some place else I can’t remember. She met Marissa Jaret Winokur Destiny saw her shooting a scene in Central Park. Destiny was very excited to meet an actress that she has seen on tv before. I on the other hand had an opportunity to hang out with some good friends. Catch a very funny movie, Wedding Crashers. If you have not seen it, than you need to rent it. I saw it this week at a friend’s house. I bought a copy today, it is one of those movies that I know I am going to want to see again.

I got my performance review at work this week. I am pleased. I need to work on having a neater work area. I need to work on being neater all around so I can’t wrinkle my nose at that. There are a lot of positive things that I thought my boss didn’t notice because he didn’t say anything. But, he documented them on my review. Moral of that story: just because someone doesn’t say something doesn’t mean they haven’t noticed.

I am still hanging in there with Mary Kay. Please feel free to shop at my site: www.marykay.com/kabney4 I am having a debut, basically an open house to drum up business and sell the product that I have. I will let you know how that goes next week.

You know that I like to share resources. Check this site out: www.insiderentertainment.com

If you are looking for something to do, want to read a review, or promote your own event, that is the site for you.

Have a great weekend.

Affirmation of the Week
I am prosperity!
My supply is wherever I am.
It comes to me from every direction.
I accept this abundance bounty and opulence today.
I know that it is externalizing itself in my life and affairs.
Wherever I go, I shall meet prosperous people and prosperous conditions.
Whatever I think, I shall think with joy, optimism, happiness, and peace.
Whatever I do, I will do with wisdom, authority, power, and right action.
I separate my thought from any belief in want, in capacity, and in ability.
I disclaim the idea that I am broke, despondent, poor, crushed, defeated, or dependent.
All financial obligations, debts, and pressures are being liquidated.
All unhappy circumstances, conditions, and misunderstandings are being harmonized.
New opportunities and opening to me.
My whole mind, soul, and spirit accept these truths.
I am made rich!

Kenya Abney has been a featured writer on the web. She loves feedback and can be contacted at kenmoab1@verizon.net.


5 Top Tips To Add More Spice To Your Life!

Posted by Unknown on 10:49 AM
- by Chris Green
(c) Chris Green - All Rights reserved http://www.conqueringfear.net ============================================
You know the old saying "variety is the spice of life", and although many such phrases are just nonsense, this one is anything but. Because let's be honest, sometimes our lives can become routine. We settle into a comfort zone and boredom and dissatisfaction can soon follow. If you're looking for some exciting ideas to spice up your life, here's my top 5 tips - go on, give them a try!

1. Once a week, visit somewhere you've never been before. A city, town or village, a museum, a theater, a restaurant, café, or bar, a park, a zoo, a wood or forest - get the idea? Visiting new places broadens your horizons and helps to keep life fresh and interesting.

2. The biggest thief that will ever enter your home does so by your invitation. Your television can steal something more valuable from you than any other thief on the planet: Your precious, non-renewable life time. Time to stop this little thief from pilfering any more! At least once a month, spend an entire week without watching any television and use the time to do something much more life-enhancing. You could workout, read books, learn a new subject - languages, cookery, swimming, diving, computers, wine-tasting, crafts, astronomy, astrology, music, advanced driving, drama, take up a new sport - the list is endless. You'll meet people, you'll develop more skills, you'll add to your knowledge and you'll develop more confidence. And you'll feel more alive! Beats sitting indoors watching soaps, the news, repeats and a barrage of commercials doesn't it? I'm sure you've heard people say "I'd love to try something new but I just haven't the time". It's common isn't it? Yet many people are totally unaware of how much television they watch. Let's be conservative and say it's an average 4 hours a day. 4 x 7 = 28 hours. Imagine what you could achieve if you devoted 28 hours a week to doing something far more constructive?

3. Fancy a challenge - something that will test you to the limit? How about a survival weekend? There are many courses available for this, from basic outdoor survival to more specialized ones for arctic, desert and jungle survival. You'll learn more about the environment, you'll develop survival skills and again, you'll meet new people and share a highly rewarding experience. To find courses, use the Internet search engines - "survival weekend", "survival courses" and "learn basic survival" as search terms.

4. Spontaneity can bring excitement and adventure into life. Doing things on the spur of the moment is fun too! So why not just do something totally unplanned? Get in the car and drive somewhere, go to the train station and take a train journey somewhere, or, for a holiday, just visit your travel broker or go direct to the airport and see what deals they've got for you to go there and then. Have your bags packed and ready and don't forget your passport! This brings the unknown into our lives, and although this can be a little bit frightening, it's also very exciting too. Enjoy the adventure!

5. I've saved the best till last! When it comes to living a happy, fulfilled life, a life where you do all things you really want to do, fear is the biggest threat you will have to face. It ruins the hopes and dreams of millions and millions of people. Every time you give in to a fear, you lose. You miss out on opportunity, experience and happiness. So do something you are afraid of. Yes, I know it is very hard to do this but the alternative - giving in - is much more painful. If you're afraid of heights, learn to abseil or climb. If you're afraid of water, learn to swim. Flying - attend a fear of flying course. Frightened of driving? Start to learn. If you want to start a business, devote the time to become fully informed and start your research. Whatever it is, TAKE ACTION to beat it. Fear only exists in one place - YOUR MIND. It is an illusion that will set boundaries on your happiness. The only way to break through these boundaries is to confront fear and overcome it. When you do, your confidence will increase, and you will experience more happiness and my word will you feel alive!

And there you are five great ideas for you to try. Make them work for you by putting them into action and don't forget: Knowledge isn't power, it is putting our knowledge in to action so it works for us is what empowers us!

Until next time.

Author Bio: Chris Green is the author of the new acclaimed book "Conquering Fear", the complete guide to overcoming fear and attracting more success, prosperity and happiness into your life.

Quotes of the Day
Life is not holding a good hand; Life is playing a poor hand well.
- Danish proverb

"Everything existing in the universe is the fruit of chance and necessity."

Affirmation of the Week
I am prosperity!
My supply is wherever I am.
It comes to me from every direction.
I accept this abundance bounty and opulence today.
I know that it is externalizing itself in my life and affairs.
Wherever I go, I shall meet prosperous people and prosperous conditions.
Whatever I think, I shall think with joy, optimism, happiness, and peace.
Whatever I do, I will do with wisdom, authority, power, and right action.
I separate my thought from any belief in want, in capacity, and in ability.
I disclaim the idea that I am broke, despondent, poor, crushed, defeated, or dependent.
All financial obligations, debts, and pressures are being liquidated.
All unhappy circumstances, conditions, and misunderstandings are being harmonized.
New opportunities and opening to me.
My whole mind, soul, and spirit accept these truths.
I am made rich!

Kenya Abney has been a featured writer on the web. She loves feedback and can be contacted at kenmoab1@verizon.net.


Keep Going Even When You are Tired

Posted by Unknown on 1:39 PM
I will let life distract me in a heart beat. I can be focused for weeks. One, maybe two, things will happen and I am sidetracked for months. I am a true believer that things happen when they are supposed to. There are two factors that can discount that statement: (1) Never starting and (2) stopping once you have started. When you aren’t working toward a goal than nothing special or new can come to fruition in your life.

As for never starting: start!! Commit to doing one thing every day. Give yourself 30 minutes a day. Some days you may do more. Others you may do less.
Are you a morning person? Get up 30 minutes earlier than usual.
Afternoon thinker? Do something during your lunch break.
When the sun goes down your brain turns on? Turn off the TV and put on music that doesn’t have words. 30 minutes is not that long and you will be surprised what you can accomplish in a week.

As for stopping: You have already started. That is half the battle. Look back on the progress that you have made. Pat yourself on the back. Recharge yourself by giving yourself a treat for taking some steps. Now review your goal and action plan. Maybe you need to revise them. Something can work for you one day and not the next. Don’t fret. That means you are making progress. Progress means you are closer to reaching your goal or developing an even better one. Once you have reevaluated and recommitted yourself it is time to work.

Your assignment, if you choose to accept it is to: recharge, review, revise, recommit and get to work.

Quotes of the Day
" “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. "
~ Calvin Coolidge, 30th President

""Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak."
~ Thomas Carlyle

Affirmation of the Week
I am prosperity!
My supply is wherever I am.
It comes to me from every direction.
I accept this abundance bounty and opulence today.
I know that it is externalizing itself in my life and affairs.
Wherever I go, I shall meet prosperous people and prosperous conditions.
Whatever I think, I shall think with joy, optimism, happiness, and peace.
Whatever I do, I will do with wisdom, authority, power, and right action.
I separate my thought from any belief in want, in capacity, and in ability.
I disclaim the idea that I am broke, despondent, poor, crushed, defeated, or dependent.
All financial obligations, debts, and pressures are being liquidated.
All unhappy circumstances, conditions, and misunderstandings are being harmonized.
New opportunities and opening to me.
My whole mind, soul, and spirit accept these truths.
I am made rich!

Kenya Abney has been a featured writer on the web. She loves feedback and can be contacted at kenmoab1@verizon.net.


Do you recognize opportunities presented to you?

Posted by Unknown on 9:49 AM
Are you fortunate in the opportunities that are presented to you? Do you recognize opportunities? I once read that an opportunity usually comes disguised as hard work. That is one of the truest statements ever spoken.

I know someone that didn’t maximize an opportunity because she was looking at the journey and not the end result. She was in a position to sit in for someone and get valuable face time, or at least phone time, with Executives in her company. She didn’t do it because, at the time, she thought it was a waste of her time. Now fast forward several months, she is looking for a job and one of the persons hiring, is someone that she could have potentially built a relationship with if she had sat in for that person. Actually, that is how I got a promotion. I filled in for someone over an extended period of time through good, bad and even ugly times for me. When someone was looking for an assistant, I came to mind because I was fortunate enough to maximize the opportunity. I had made connections with people that did speak on my behalf. Don’t look at the potholes, dips and detours on the road to your destination; focus on your arrival point.

My sister has been presented with an opportunity to be a stylist for a movie. This is something that she always wanted to do. As far back as I can remember she has been dong hair. She is a licensed beautician. She is into make-up so much that she collects tips. And, she consults with make up artists on how to look her best all the time. She can design and make clothes. She even made a blouse to wear for a junior high school picture. With all that experience, she currently works in human resources for a hospital. How did she get presented with an opportunity to be a stylist? Someone had heard about her. She has a reputation as someone that has the skills to be a stylist. She has demonstrated a willingness to work and learn about a field that she isn’t making money…in yet. This is an opportunity that is bundled up with a whole heap of work. If you ask her she is overjoyed for the chance. She will be doing what she wants and finally getting paid for it. Work hard, work diligently because you never know who is watching and waiting to give you a chance.

How do you recognize an opportunity? Contrary to what people think, it doesn’t knock or ring the doorbell. Opportunities are all around us. Some are good opportunities, others are not right for you at the time but they are hard to pass up. Here are four ways to determine if an opportunity is for you:

1. The end result gets you closer to one of your goals.
Closer to a goal is better than never starting. If you want to be a filmmaker being an intern at a production company is closer than just talking about it. Are you going to be Spike Lee when it is all said and done probably not? But, you will be able to make contacts, expand your reputation and obtain skills that you didn’t have before.

2. You can develop a network of people that you can grow a “give and take” relationship with.
“No man is an island.” “You can do anything; you just can’t do it alone.” I know you have heard those phrases before. They are true. There is always a team of people behind any success. And, with a network, you can learn from others and others can learn from you. It is a good thing to know people you can reach out to. And, even better to know that someone wants to reach out to you.

3. You are able to increase your reputation.
Everyone wants to work with someone that they have heard good things about. It doesn’t hurt to be endorsed by several people. In any area of your life, if you want the spotlight than you have to get on stage and perform. People won’t work with you if they don’t know what you can do.

4. You are able to learn and grow skills that can take you to the next level.
Not every opportunity is going to get you exactly where you want to be. Some opportunities put you in a position to get the piece that you are lacking, or a skill that is necessary that you didn’t know you needed. Think about what you can get out of the experience.

Quotes of the Day
"Opportunity... often it comes in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat."
-Napoleon Hill

"Opportunities? They are all around us... There is power lying latent everywhere waiting for the observant eye to discover it."
-Orison Swett Marden

Affirmation of the Week
I am prosperity!
My supply is wherever I am.
It comes to me from every direction.
I accept this abundance bounty and opulence today.
I know that it is externalizing itself in my life and affairs.
Wherever I go, I shall meet prosperous people and prosperous conditions.
Whatever I think, I shall think with joy, optimism, happiness, and peace.
Whatever I do, I will do with wisdom, authority, power, and right action.
I separate my thought from any belief in want, in capacity, and in ability.
I disclaim the idea that I am broke, despondent, poor, crushed, defeated, or dependent.
All financial obligations, debts, and pressures are being liquidated.
All unhappy circumstances, conditions, and misunderstandings are being harmonized.
New opportunities and opening to me.
My whole mind, soul, and spirit accept these truths.
I am made rich!

Kenya Abney has been a featured writer on the web. She loves feedback and can be contacted at kenmoab1@verizon.net.


Choices, Decisions, What Is For You

Posted by Unknown on 8:04 PM
I love to solicit opinions. I call myself an idea person. It is natural for me to come up with an idea and ask for several opinions before I do something. Or, if I have a problem, I like to find out what other people have done when they were faced with a similar situation. Or, what someone thinks that they would do. Usually, people have a lot to say when you ask them their opinion. Some tell you too much.

Mothers are well known for giving unsolicited advice and opinions when no one is asking them. Not my Mother. Even when I would ask her for advice she would tell me, “I can only live one life at a time. Right now I’m having a time living mine. So, don’t look at me to tell you what to do with yours. What do you think you should do?” That is the problem. I didn’t know what to do. I was looking for someone else to give me answers.

Here are a few things to keep in mind, if you are looking for answers from someone else that you need to answer for yourself:

1. You have to live with the consequences of your actions.
Regardless of who came up with the idea, you have to look at yourself for the success and failure of the decision. Can’t blame Momma or your Cousin Lisa, you have to put a “H” on your chest and handle whatever comes your way as a direct result of your decision.

2. Ultimately, no one else knows what is best for you than you.
Most people mean well, but no one knows you or your situation as intimately as you do. Regardless if you share your situation with 10 people, you will tell it 10 different ways depending on who you are talking. And, since you know the situation and you know yourself, who do you think is most qualified to decide what you should do? Ding. Ding. Ding. That is right you. You know what you are willing to live with it. And, what you are not.

3. People will tell you to do things that they wouldn’t do in a million, billion years.
We have all heard it before: “If that were me” or “I would have done ABC instead XYZ”. Give that person the opportunity and they would have done the same thing you did. So, consider the source. Look at the choices that they have made. Would they really do the things that they would tell you? If they would, do they live a productive or destructive life? Would you want to live with their consequences? Proceed with caution.

4. Beware of peoples motives when they give you advice.
Not all advice comes from a good supportive place. Some people look only at their own interest. They don’t really care about what is best, or at least good, for you. They only want your actions to help them. Nine times out of 10 when you examine the situation for yourself you can tell when you are being used. It is not going to feel right. Follow that feeling; it is not leading you down the wrong path.

A good way to make a decision is to:
Pray on it. Give it to Jesus for real. And seek His guidance.
Break out a piece of paper and pen. And ask myself three questions:

1. What is the absolute worst thing that can happen as a result of me doing XYZ? (Really think on this one. Don’t tell yourself the worst that can happen is someone will tell me “no”, when you know that the consequences can be far more dire than that.)

2. What is the absolute best thing that can happen as a result of me doing ABC?

3. Can I handle the worst possible outcome if it happened? Am I willing to deal with sacrifice, ridicule or loss that might be a result of taking this action?

If I can’t live with the worst possible outcome than it is time to get back to the drawing board. Progress sometimes requires discomfort but you know what you can handle. And there is a strong possibility that the situation may have a favorable outcome for you.

Honestly, usually a happy medium between the two outcomes happens for me. I like to think about the best possible outcome of any situation because miracles only happen to people that believe they are in their realm of possibility. So why not contemplate the best happening to you?

Quote of the Day

There is just one life for each of us: our own.
- Euripides, 484-406 B.C., Greek Tragic Dramatist

If you aren't going all the way, why go at all?
- Joe Namath, Hall of Fame American Football Player

Affirmation of the Week
I am prosperity!
My supply is wherever I am.
It comes to me from every direction.
I accept this abundance bounty and opulence today.
I know that it is externalizing itself in my life and affairs.
Wherever I go, I shall meet prosperous people and prosperous conditions.
Whatever I think, I shall think with joy, optimism, happiness, and peace.
Whatever I do, I will do with wisdom, authority, power, and right action.
I separate my thought from any belief in want, in capacity, and in ability.
I disclaim the idea that I am broke, despondent, poor, crushed, defeated, or dependent.
All financial obligations, debts, and pressures are being liquidated.
All unhappy circumstances, conditions, and misunderstandings are being harmonized.
New opportunities and opening to me.
My whole mind, soul, and spirit accept these truths.
I am made rich!

Kenya Abney has been a featured writer on the web. She loves feedback and can be contacted at kenmoab1@verizon.net.


Learning to Think Powerfully, Like the Masters

Posted by Unknown on 11:29 PM
by Eva Gregory

Do you find yourself wondering why your life is what it is? How is it that some folks seem to get whatever they want, while you seem to be stuck in a rut? Have you been asking how to turn your life around?

Not surprising, one of the things that many successful people have in common is confidence. The confidence to believe that they will achieve the things they set out to, they will get all they feel entitled to, or they will create the things that they desire. They do not allow doubt or negativity to sabotage their plans. Most have become masters at focusing on the positive and refuse to let the "little voice" within feed them negativity for them to buy into. So how have they mastered the power of positive thinking or even more difficult the skill of positive self-talk?

Perhaps you should first LISTEN to the things that you tell yourself on a daily basis. Do you realize how true the saying that "we are our own worse critic" is? Try this, close your eyes and listen to what message YOUR self-talk is delivering. Are you happy with what you are hearing? If not, why not try implementing some of the hints outlined below.

Write down five of the things that you catch your self-talk voice telling you. For each negative thing you write down, change the tone to make it a positive by using "I am," "I will," and "I can" instead. Be sure to make these affirmations positive, believable and realistic for you personally. Now feel what it is like to have it actually be the way you want it to be. Get excited about the possibility. Build on the affirmations that creates a story about how it all unfolds the way you intend for it to often and in time, you will come to believe them. The more you believe the positive, the more success you will have. You will begin to attract it literally!

While evaluating your self-talk voice, did you discover that you spend a great deal of time thinking in "What ifs?" What ifs are typically a big waste of time because you spend valuable time focusing on things that have either already taken place, or may or may not happen. What if (sorry--couldn't resist) I show you how to make What ifs productive? Try this:

Every time you find yourself focused on negative thoughts or a default reaction of "What if....?" Play the "What If-UP Game!" This is a highly successful game that I use with my coaching clients. It goes like this:

Whenever you start thinking..."What If":
• I can't meet payroll?
• I can't pay my bills?
• I can't complete this task?

Flip the thought around to:
• What if I meet payroll in spite of the way things look in the moment?
• What if, money begins to flow to me and I can pay my bills the way that I want?
• What if this task gets completed in perfect timing even if it isn't what I thought it would be?

See how it works? The game is designed to get you thinking about the positive and letting go of the negative. Using the word "could" eliminates self-imposed pressure and opens the door to unlimited possibilities.

The key to positive thought and self-talk is recognizing what you are currently doing, and learning to deliberately change it. Once it is learned it will have a profound impact on the things you would like to accomplish in life. As William Shakespeare once said, "Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so." So, think of this as the first day of the rest of your life, and start thinking powerfully and putting out a positive attitude in each aspect of your life.

Eva Gregory is the author of The Feel Good Guide to Prosperity
All rights reserved. http://www.feelgoodguide.com
© 2006 Leading Edge Coaching

Quotes for the Day
They deem me mad because I will not sell my days for gold; and I deem them mad because they think my days have a price.
- Kahlil Gibran, 1883-1931, Lebanese Poet and Novelist

In order to create there must be a dynamic force, and what force is more potent than love?
- Igor Stravinsky, 1882-1971, Russian-born Musical Composer

Affirmation of the Week
I am prosperity!
My supply is wherever I am.
It comes to me from every direction.
I accept this abundance bounty and opulence today.
I know that it is externalizing itself in my life and affairs.
Wherever I go, I shall meet prosperous people and prosperous conditions.
Whatever I think, I shall think with joy, optimism, happiness, and peace.
Whatever I do, I will do with wisdom, authority, power, and right action.
I separate my thought from any belief in want, in capacity, and in ability.
I disclaim the idea that I am broke, despondent, poor, crushed, defeated, or dependent.
All financial obligations, debts, and pressures are being liquidated.
All unhappy circumstances, conditions, and misunderstandings are being harmonized.
New opportunities and opening to me.
My whole mind, soul, and spirit accept these truths.
I am made rich!

K.M. Abney has been a featured writer on the web. She loves feedback and can be contacted at kenmoab1@verizon.net.


10 Key Traits of Successful Small Business Entrepreneurs

Posted by Unknown on 11:57 PM
Have you been thinking about starting your own business? Ever thought about what it takes? We all know that it takes capital. There is one more essential element that you need to have on track. It is your attitude.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 56% of all small businesses fail within their first four years. We don’t want that to be you. So, review your business plan and list of traits that have been compiled by Stephen Covey, and leap into your destiny as a successful small business entrepreneur.

Stephen Covey's Top 10 Key Traits of Successful Small Business Entrepreneurs

1. Value teamwork
Successful entrepreneurs recognize that it takes a team to produce success. They know it is never just one person who is responsible for the success of any business venture. They are gracious, appreciative, humble and give people the credit they deserve.

2. Are willing to change
They understand that change is inevitable, and they understand how to adapt to the changes around them in order to make their business grow.

3. Surround themselves with diversity
Successful entrepreneurs maximize the productivity of their business by hiring people who make their own weaknesses irrelevant. They see other peoples' strengths as opportunities rather than threats.

4. Communicate effectively through feedback and active listening
They give instruction and feedback in a manner that empowers people rather than belittles them. In return, they are willing to listen and accept feedback from others.

5. Have a vision and plan for reaching their goals
Successful entrepreneurs know what they want. They have identified what is most important in order to achieve success and are not willing to sacrifice what is most important for what is merely important. They have created a strategic plan that defines how they will achieve their most important goals and by what deadline.

6. Proactively seek opportunities
Entrepreneurs do not sit and wait for opportunities to come their way. They are proactive and prepared for anything that comes along.

7. Are tireless, ceaseless, determined workers
To avoid becoming workaholics, successful entrepreneurs are highly effective during all of their working hours and know when it is time to go home. They seek balance in all aspects of their lives.

8. Understand that removing barriers is a necessary event
They are not afraid to terminate an employee who is the wrong person for the job, or if they simply resist the changes pertinent to company growth.

9. Are high-energy people
Entrepreneurs reach into the depths of their souls to find the energy they need to keep going and growing. Their energy is enough to motivate and inspire others to join or stay with the new venture.

10. Continually nurture the entrepreneurial spirit by taking risks and learning from mistakes
They willingly take risks and learn from others' as well as their own mistakes. Entrepreneurs make decisions quickly and effectively by avoiding the bureaucracy and structure commonly found in large organizations.

"Those small-business entrepreneurs who are humble and willing to learn from their past mistakes and then apply that learning to their future endeavors will be successful over time. Businesses are not only built on success, but also on what is learned from failure," says Covey.

FranklinCovey offers small businesses training and products to increase productivity and effectiveness and to create sustained superior performance over time. For more information on FranklinCovey training or products for small businesses, visit http://www.franklincovey.com .

Kenya Abney has been a featured writer on the web. She is also a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant. Beauty is only a click a way: http://www.marykay.com/kabney4. Please feel free to shop at her site.


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