Top 10 Values - Action Items
Posted by Unknown
10:26 PM
31 Day Reset Challenge,
Self Improvement
Hello Good People,
The assignment for today is to pick the top 10, rate yourself and select activities lend to living up to those values. If you continue to read than you will see that I have a lot of work to do. Does your life reflect your values?
Have a blessed and favored week,
Top 10 Values:
1. Relationship with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit – 8.5
Begin and end my day with prayer and scripture.
Meditate for 15 minutes each day to receive guidance.
Read prayer books and devotionals every day
Begin and end my day with prayer and scripture.
Meditate for 15 minutes each day to receive guidance.
Read prayer books and devotionals every day
2. Economic security – 3
Create a plan to cut down my debt.
Create a plan to cut down my debt.
Stop being afraid of a number – List all debts
Reevaluate my 401K/get help from a professional
3. Emotional security – 6
Acknowledge my feelings. Be honest about why I feel a certain way.
Acknowledge my feelings. Be honest about why I feel a certain way.
Read for pleasure or go to a movie (Recharge my battery.)
Remove visual clutter and recycle electronics not being used.
Remove visual clutter and recycle electronics not being used.
4. Sow positive seeds in someone else’s life – 8
Work with women at “Night of Peace” shelter
Work with women at “Night of Peace” shelter
Volunteer/participate with organizations that I believe in
Share my knowledge to help others
5. Strength (mental and physical) – 6
Pay more attention to my thoughts.
Pay more attention to my thoughts.
Start my day with exercise
Add 1 fruit and 1 vegetable to my diet
Add 1 fruit and 1 vegetable to my diet
6. Truth (honor it and accept it) – 5
Evaluate a situation for what it is and not what I want it to be.
Evaluate a situation for what it is and not what I want it to be.
Do not ignore my problems.
Think about and acknowledge why I feel fear.
Think about and acknowledge why I feel fear.
7. Open myself to new experiences and people – 5
Join/attend a “Meet Up” meeting for an interest of mine
Join/attend a “Meet Up” meeting for an interest of mine
Learn a new skill
Connect with people online. Currently, I sign up, post and rarely engage others in conversation.
8. Belief in my abilities and skills – 6
Do an inventory of my skills by reviewing current responsibilities and past resumes.
Make a true decision about my career.
Develop a plan based on my decision.
9. Loving my life, body and mind – 6
Try new exercise programs to find something that fits me
Write down 5 things I am thankful for every day
Say, I love you, to myself daily
10.Create and work that brings me joy – 5
Review my writing, edit and publish e-books.
Review my writing, edit and publish e-books.
Create teleconferences and materials. Schedule and promote.
Go after work that I am proud of and empowers me.