Are you STILL dating?

Posted by Unknown on 9:14 PM

Long time, no update. Not too many new and exciting things have been happening with me. I found a new church home, Grace AME. My daughter has joined the choir, she sang over the weekend. I joined the women's ministry. I plan on joining the Usher Board. I am loosing with Weight Watchers. Yeah!!!!! My writing has been slipping. But, I have been preparing for November (Write a Novel in a Month Challenge). And, I do keep an idea journal so the juices are flowing and stewing. Life is good. Today, I am posting an old favorite(Are you STILL dating?)and a new message that was passed on to me today. I don't have quotes for you but I will next time. I hope that you enjoy the following posts.

Are you STILL dating?
As we embark on the weekend, I have a question. (As I always do) Are you still dating God?

I know I am all in your business but I just want to know. You know He's a great guy. He looks out for you. He gives you great advice and words of encouragement when you are feeling down. He's even man enough to stand up to you when you know you're wrong. That's a good thing right? Nobody wants a wimp. So why haven't you gotten together yet?

I know how it can be. You can like a person, know they're good for you but not really take the time to get to know them. I know you hang out with Him from time to time and sometimes on Sundays but are you getting serious yet? I know He calls you, but do you call Him back? Then when you do talk to Him, do you talk or do you just sit there listening?

Look, I'm here to tell you, the man is really interested. He loves you. He's been in love with you for a while. He even said so, Jeremiah 31:3

Stop Cutting Yourself Down!
Discussing his low self-esteem, cartoon character Charlie Brown says,
"It goes back to when I first set foot on the stage of life. They looked at me and said, 'He's just not right for the part!'" You may smile, but when you've spent your life engaged in self-flagellation you know exactly what he means. The man in the tombs spent his days "cutting himself" because he thought he was worthless. And many of us who wear a game face in public spend our days doing the same thing.

Your self-image is second only to your faith in God. It doesn't matter what others think of you, what matters is what you think of yourself -based on what God thinks! Self-esteem has to come from self. That's why it's hard to believe the good things people say about you when you can't see them in yourself. Plus, how you treat others flows directly from your reservoir of personal dignity and self-respect. It's impossible to "Love your neighbour as yourself" (Mt 19:19 NIV) when you don't even like yourself. Paul says a man should love his wife like he loves himself (See Eph 5:28). But when you detest yourself how can you love your mate?

The only time any of us even comes close to perfection is on a job application! Stop cutting yourself down! God made you the way you are in order to use you the way He planned. Start complimenting Him on the great job He did. And remember, He loves you unconditionally - and that's the only reason you need for loving yourself!

Bible-in-a-year Reading: Gen 24:1-51, 2 Cor 6:14 - 7:1

K.M. Abney has been a featured writer on the web. She is a member of the Black Writers Guild and Toastmasters. She loves feedback and can be contacted at kenmoab1@verizon.net.



Anonymous says:

Olá amizade. Meu nome é Ernísio Martines Dias. Sou um sujeito calmo, mas de uma hora para outra posso me tornar agressivo se percebo que não estou conseguindo o que quero. Reconheço que sou mesmo um mau caráter, desonesto e sem escrúpulos, que só penso em ganhar dinheiro à custa dos outros, em ter lucro financeiro em tudo, como sonegar impostos e enganar as pessoas com minha lábia. Eu mesmo acredito na mentira que digo a todo o momento e acabo procurando fazer as coisas por baixo dos panos, pelo modo que me parece ser mais fácil.
Há antídoto para um marginal corrupto? Aceito sugestões construtivas no meu e-mail ernisio@vba.com.br Sabe, me sinto com duas faces. A outra é diferente, pois quando não estou trabalhando, me sinto frágil e até estou com tendência a gostar de homens. Isso é agonizante! Por tudo isso, acabo tendo depressão e insônia, mas ainda estou com esperanças de mudar esta minha vida para melhor e conto com a sua ajuda. Obrigado.

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keep it up.

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